Neo NLP Society

“Sertifikasi Master Practitioner Neo Neuro Linguistic Programming (CM.NNLP) & Trainer Neo Neuro Linguistic Programming (CT.NNLP) ”


Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) adalah ilmu tentang transformasi diri sesuai yang diinginkan seseorang yang diciptakan oleh Richard Handler dan John Grinder di California. Keilmuan NLP dewasa ini telah diterima secara luas sebagai sebuah teknik "POWERFULL" untuk mendukung proses penjualan, coaching, komunikasi persuasif, pengembangan diri, dll.

1. Gelar Non Akademik CM.NNLP (Certified  Master Practitioner Neo Neuro Linguistic Programming)
CT.NNLP (Certified Trainer Neo Neuro Linguistic Programming)
2. Sertifikat Cetak CM.NNLP dari NeoNLP Society
3. Sertifikat Cetak CT.NNLP dan ID Card Cetak dari NeoNLP Society
4. E-Sertifikat Attendance Certificate Dimas Production
5. Materi Seminar (Modul NLP & Zoom Record)
6. Website Promosi
7. Dapat Membuka Kelas Sertifikasi NLP
8. Kumpulan E-Book NLP
9. WAG Alumni Sertifikasi NLP
10. Free Konsultasi 
11. Free Mengulang Kelas NLP Seumur Hidup
12. Voucher Rp. 250.000,- Kelas CH CHt IBH

MASTER PRACTITIONER : Pemantapan Classic Code, Deep & Sufface Structure, Advanced Building Rapport, Nested Loops, Hypnotic Story, Belief & Value, Limiting Belief, Neuro Logical Levels, Modelling, Basic Modelling, Advance Modelling, Sleight of Mouth, NLP Application, ETC.
TRAINER : Mindsets Trainer, Teknik Presentasi Andragogy, Administrasi Training, Mengelola Bisnis Training._

1. FX. Praptoharsoyo, CI., MT.NNLP
▶️ Master Trainer NeoNLP Society
▶️ International Association Counselors & Therapist (ACT) USA
▶️ Instructor Indonesia Board of Hypnotherapy
▶️ Direktur & Founder Indonesia Training Center
▶️ Direktur PT. Cipta Performa Indonesia
▶️ Certified Behaviour Based Neuroscience
▶️ Certified Mind Web
▶️ Praktisi Q-RAK & Mesmerrism

2. apt. Dimas Rudyanto K., S.Farm., CHt., CI., CT.NNLP., AM.NLP., CTPS., CPLC.
▶️ PNS Apoteker
▶️ Founder Apotek Cahaya Sehat
▶️ Founder www.dimasproduction.id
▶️ Founder www.graphology.id
▶️ Founder www.dimasdigital.com
▶️ Founder www.gelarnonakademik.id
▶️ Founder www.gelarnonakademik.com.
▶️ Trainer BNSP RI
▶️ Instructor Indonesia Training Center (ITC)
▶️ Trainer NeoNLP Society
▶️ Trainer Public Speaking
▶️ Hypnotherapist IBH
▶️ Accredited Master Practitioner of NLP - Peterborough, England
▶️ Certified Professional Life Coach - Florida, USA
▶️ Penulis Buku Harmony of Life

Senin - Selasa, 22 dan 23 November 2021
Pukul 16.00 - 21.00 WIB
Live on Zoom Meeting

Offline : Rp. 4.500.000,-/Peserta
Normal : Rp.3.500.000,-/Peserta
Promo 20 Orang Tercepat : Rp.2.500.000,-/Peserta.

Investasi ditransfer melalui :
BCA 0272921758
BRI 062601009080506
OVO/GOPAY 081346451898
a/n Dimas Rudyanto Klodeng

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